Our After School Program System


Our after-school program is 32 weeks long. However, at most schools we break it up into eight 4-week segments designed to immerse and fortify your child in the fundamentals of chess and ChessLife Strategies™, the life skills component of our teachings. Our Phase I booklet is a practical instrument for chess study and exercise. It provides a useful barometer of a child’s progress. It also provides a useful barometer of a child’s progress. It also provides a vehicle for parents, should they choose, to encourage and involve themselves in this learning process.  Each layer of the child’s understanding is built upon the child’s previous layer of comprehension.  By evolving in this way—uninterrupted over the 32 weeks of instruction — the child’s chess potential is achieved, and his or her competence is assured.  Conversely, a significant number of absences in that 24 week development can compromise the value of the entire endeavor.



The Chess Tutors “I’mpossible” Puzzle Booklet series is made up of FIVE Phases: Phases ONE and TWO, Phases THREE and FOUR, and Phase FIVE. Encompassed within Three Sections–Love It, Learn It and Live It:

Phase ONE and TWO comprise our LOVE IT segment of the series. The goal here is to ease our students into our program in a challenging but FUN way, while keeping it simple enough for every child to experience victory.

Phase THREE and FOUR are our LEARN IT segment of the series.  By this point the student is well invested in our program.  So our goal here is to introduce them to more complex strategies and tactics.  Further, we want to make sure your child understands these strategies well enough to teach others. We believe “to teachis to learn twice.”

Phase FIVE we call our LIVE IT segment of the series.  Our company has always been more interested in nurturing Life Masters than chess masters.  So it is here where our students will really begin to learn how to apply the strategies they have learned in chess to their everyday critical decision making.

Students are encouraged to work at their own pace. Some students will complete their Phase Puzzle Booklet within 5-8 weeks, others may take 10 -12 weeks and still others may take even longer.

In any case, students are encouraged to commit and put forth their best effort, and to finish what they start. We believe it is important to teach children in everything they do, “begin with the end in mind.”